Storeganizer 랙 포켓

스마트보관, 스마트창고의 세계적인 브랜드 Storeganizer(스토어거나이저)
랙 포켓 Storeganizer (스토어거나이저)는, 물류창고, 물류센터의 공간활용을
극대화시킬 수 있는 제품으로 기존 랙에 장착하여 사용 가능한 슬라이딩 형식의 랙 포켓입니다.
랙기반의 1단 공간에 슬라이딩되는 포켓인 Storeganizer(스토어거나이저)를 설치하면 빈공간 없이
셀을 최대한 사용할 수 있어 물품 보관량을 극대화 할 수 있습니다.

Why Storeganizer?
Optimising the cost per square metre and organising order picking as efficiently as possible
are ongoing challenges in warehouse management.
Pallet racking works well for high-volume, fast-moving items, but may lead to a big waste of
space when it comes to smaller,
slower moving inventory items.
Innovative storage system
This is where Storeganizer comes in. This innovative, highdensity storage system provides a
slim fit storage solution that is ideal for small,
slow moving items.

1) According to research performed at the University of Leuven, Belgium, 2013
Number of Locations

Based on a concept of vertically stacked, multi-row high quality pockets, Storeganizer limits the costs per square metre. It’s designed to accommodate small items in columns of suspended, easy-to-access vertical pockets, made of flexible, durable coated textile. Although lightweight themselves, these columns can support up to 100 kg as standard, with a 10-year warranty.

Storeganizer Space-saving
Storeganizer is the perfect solution to optimise racking space in a cost-efficient way. On average, travelling time is reduced by 42%, resulting in a 26% gain in orderpicking efficiency
The universal hanging system and modular design of the Storeganizer solution allows easy
installation in any new or existing rack wherever
it is needed in the warehouse.

A Storeganizer solution concentrates a large number of SKUs in space by stacking them
vertically, reducing the picking area to be covered.
Therefore shorter travelling distances lead to higher order picking productivity.
The configuration can also be easily arranged to limit bending and lifting, by storing the fastest moving and/or heaviest SKUs on higher levels.
Rarely do you achieve a ‘win-win’ with new products. In this case, there are no
These columns increase efficiency; eliminate the need for expensive rack upgrades,
site expansion or
offsite leases; improve tidiness; reduce staff stress and impress corporate leadership.
We only wish we had discovered this earlier.
Todd Bayless, Material Services Team Lead at Rittal
Before & After
BEFORE 302m2

AFTER 73m2

pocket labels
front covers
front stops

Standard Sizes
Extra Small Reference Number : XS-EU-FS-405469MB

Width | 300 mm |
Depth | 260 mm |
Height | 150 mm |
Max weight | 20 kg |

Pockets | 13 |
Max weight | 100 kg |
Options Available

Front Stop |
Reference Number XS-EU-FS-405469MB |
Rack Configuration

Typical Number of Rows | 4 | |
Rack Width | 2700 mm | 3600 mm |
Total # Columns | 30 | 42 |
Row formation | 9-7-7-7 | 12-10-10-10 |
Total # Pockets | 390 | 546 |
Small Reference Number : S-EU-306087MB

Width | 300 mm |
Depth | 300 mm |
Height | 300 mm |
Max weight | 20 kg |

Pockets | 6 |
Max weight | 100 kg |
Options Available

Front Stop |
Reference Number S-EU-FS-306022MB |
Rack Configuration

Typical Number of Rows | 3 | |
Rack Width | 2700 mm | 3600 mm |
Total # Columns | 23 | 32 |
Row formation | 9-7-7 | 12-10-10 |
Total # Pockets | 138 | 192 |
Medium Reference Number : M-EU-309839MB

Width | 450 mm |
Depth | 300 mm |
Height | 300 mm |
Max weight | 20 kg |

Pockets | 6 |
Max weight | 100 kg |
Options Available

Front Stop |
Reference Number M-EU-FS-311096MB |
Rack Configuration

Typical Number of Rows | 3 | |
Rack Width | 2700 mm | 3600 mm |
Total # Columns | 15 | 21 |
Row formation | 6-5-4 | 8-7-6 |
Total # Pockets | 90 | 126 |
Large Reference Number : L-EU-309840MB

Width | 450 mm |
Depth | 500 mm |
Height | 450 mm |
Max weight | 20 kg |

Pockets | 4 |
Max weight | 100 kg |
Options Available

Front Stop |
Reference Number L-EU-FS-307423MB |
Rack Configuration

Typical Number of Rows | 2 | |
Rack Width | 2700 mm | 3600 mm |
Total # Columns | 10 | 14 |
Row formation | 6-4 | 8-6 |
Total # Pockets | 40 | 56 |